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Additional materials for the 1st year students.rtf
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Additional materials for the first year students to the textbook by professor arakin V.D.

The book is compiled and made by Pankratova N.V.

Yekaterinburg, 2008


I. Topic “About Myself and My Family”…………………………………………………………………

II. Topic “Flat”………………………………………………………………………………………………

III. Topic “At the Map of the World”………………………………………………………………………

IV. Topic “Meals”……………………………………………………………………………………………

V. Topic “Student’s Day and Daily Routine”……………………………………………………………

VI. Topic “Our Institute”……………………………………………………………………………………

VII. Topic “Seasons and Weather”………………………………………………………………………..

VIII. Topic “Leisure Time”…………………………………………………………………………………..

IX. Topic “Shopping” ………………………………………………………………………………………

X. Topic “What Is a Town Like?” …………………………………………………………………………

XI. Topic “Theatre”……………………………………………………………………………………….

XII. Topic “Appearance and Character”…………………………………………………………………

XIII. Reading Rules…………………………………………………………………………………………

XIV. Word-building………………………………………………………………………………………..

XV. Miscellaneous………………………………………………………………………………………..

Topic 'About Myself', 'FAMILY'.

I. Read these texts, paying special attention to the words printed in bold.

Retell them on behalf of: a) a main character of the story; b) a friend of her / his.

1. About Myself*

Hello! My name is Alexandra Barsukova. But my friends call me Sandra for short. I'm seventeen. This year I'm going to finish school. So I'm a student of a top class. It's funny enough, but I was born on the first of April. And every year my friends play jokes at me when we celebrate my birthday.

I was born in a family of doctors. We are four in our family: my parents, my elder brother of 22 and me. It's so nice to have such an elder brother as my Max. His full name is Maxim. He is a very tender brother. He is a student of the Ural State University. His future profession is connected with computers, but I don't know the exact name of it. It's something difficult for me. Frankly speaking we, computer and me, don't like each other. So, usually it doesn't agree to work with me. My father is a surgeon. My mum is an ophthalmologist. And all the time I hear orders to wash hands and to sit straight and not to read in bed. As if they don't know that to read in bed some horror book is best of all. You can always hide under the blanket. But, please, don't think I'm complaining. My parents are wonderful people. I can talk with them about everything. We understand each other very well. They have a fine sense of humour, they are kind, loving and caring. They like order in everything. I think it's because of their occupation. Such responsibility demands order. But I simply begin to hate their profession. They always speak about operations and new methods of treatment. And they expect me to follow them because there were several generations of doctors and one more would be wonderful. But the only sight of blood makes me feel giddy. And I'm afraid of all those frogs.

I think, the best thing for me is to study languages in future. I like Russian, Literature, History, English and French. I study English at school and I have private lessons of French at home. My parents found a teacher of French for me several years ago. She is rather old and very strict but we get on very well because I like languages. I am ready to sleep with a dictionary beneath my cheek instead of a pillow. I learn all the material she gives me. I do really want to know English and French. These subjects go easy with me. I can't say the same things about other subjects, especially maths and physics. It's hard work to get good marks in them. I can't say I'm a lazy-bone but it's so difficult to drag myself from my bed early in the morning and get ready to school. Maybe it's because of my reading late at night. I like to read fantasy, detective and travel books. I also like cooking. It's not so cool as some of my classmates think, but they like to eat my pies and cakes very much. As for sport I like gymnastics and swimming, but I can't stand basketball and skiing.

My classmates are my good friends. But I have only two close friends. We are together practically all our life. Our mums are close friends too. My friends and me are quite different people. Nastya is very serious and gifted, I think she will get a gold medal. At the same time she is not boring and dull. Olga is funny, she is always ready to laugh and she is super in Maths. She saves me at the lessons and during the tests very often. As for my character, my big brother says I must be more confident in myself and not so bashful. Nastya and Olga think I am a kind, friendly and sociable person but sometimes rather stubborn and obstinate. Maybe they are right. We understand each other without words.

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